The Last House on Mulholland is the best HOLLYWOOD Sign selfie spot along the Hollywood Sign Experience. Currently exhibiting “Gloriette R1”, a modern day folly celebrating the 100 year …
The Last House on Mulholland is the best HOLLYWOOD Sign selfie spot along the Hollywood Sign Experience. Currently exhibiting “Gloriette R1”, a modern day folly celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the Hollywood Sign and the historic Hollywoodland neighborhood just below. Directions - Beachwood Canyon DASH Bus from Hollywood, then walk up (take the stairs, they're better than Ledgewood.), - or - park for free in Lake Hollywood Estates and walk (8 min.) via Innsdale Trail. Detailed directions found at www. hollywoodsign .us *** Be advised *** 1) There is no parking except in the Lake Hollywood Estates neighborhood. 2) There are NO public facilities (toilets). 3) NO SMOKING anywhere