Wind gusts around the eyewall are likely to reach 155km/h (96mph) and will be strong enough to blow down trees having a significant impact on transport and power supplies. However, flooding will be ...
Alfred was 245 kilometres east of Brisbane and heading west slowly. READ MORE: How to prepare for Tropical Cyclone Alfred and ...
Tropical Cyclone Alfred’s forecast arrival has been pushed back by 24 hours after the category 2 storm stalled off ...
Cyclone Alfred stalled off Australia's east coast on Thursday delaying landfall as officials shut airports, schools and ...
How do you stay safe while you begin the clean up and recovery? It can be helpful to have a plan of action ready.
Cyclone Alfred’s approach towards Queensland’s coast is stirring memories of Cyclone Gabrielle for Hawke’s Bay residents ...
Aaron Hawke is directly in Alfred’s path at his Brighton home, just 30km from Caboolture. For days he had been bracing for ...
Cyclone Alfred continues to bear down on the South East Queensland coast and is expected to make landfall late Friday evening ...