Elena Kagan has worked on free-speech and free-press issues more ... This theme is somewhat echoed in her 1993 book review of Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment, by Anthony Lewis.
As I have explained, Kagan’s statement seemed designed to fool the reader into thinking that Kagan was expressing her view that the Constitution does not confer a right to same-sex marriage.
Elena Kagan should, however, recuse herself based on the undisputed fact that her office, the Office of the Solicitor General, and her top deputy, Neil Katyal, were undeniably involved, from the ...
The Washington Post’s Eva Rodriguez, in “Elena Kagan and ‘Stupid Liberals,’” nicely captures Kagan’s thesis: [Kagan] lambastes the liberal Warren Court of the 1950s and 1960s, but not ...
SCOTUSblog’s Tom Goldstein has offered his analysis of the recusal obligations that Elena Kagan, if appointed to the Supreme Court, would face as a result of her service as Solicitor General.
As part of the Antonin Scalia Lecture series at Harvard Law School, Justice Elena Kagan discusses the reading of statutes. ABOUT RESOURCES JOB POSTINGS PRIVACY POLICY CONTACT US Sign up to receive a ...
Scott Applewhite), Justice Elena Kagan (ERIN SCHAFF/POOL/AFP via ... to “suppress speech,” just as was the case in Bantam Books. Kagan, describing Aguinaga’s argument as “extremely ...
b. In her capacity as solicitor general, Elena Kagan was personally involved, even if only to a limited degree, in advising how to defend against challenges to Obamacare. Among other things ...
“It really is a pleasure. I forgot my orange — I’m so sorry,” U.S. Supreme Court associate justice Elena Kagan ’81 joked as she addressed a crowd of approximately 900 attendees in a packed Richardson ...
Justice Elena Kagan’s succinct opinion for a unanimous court squarely ... For example, “if the defendant diverted some of its earnings to an affiliate’s books,” a court might conclude that an award ...