Penta El Zero's name has ... they are talking about without dropping the name. In the latest episode of RAW as well, WWE teased fans with a vignette similar to the mask of the Mexican Luchador.
In addition to his mask ... Miedo' becoming a lifestyle While "Cero Miedo" is a part of Penta's character in wrestling, it has become a lifestyle for many of his fans. Translated to English as ...
Literally translating to "zero fear" in ... to give them the cero miedo courage to fight whatever they were going through. One lucky child even got their very own Penta mask when the WWE Superstar ...
Penta El Zero Miedo's WWE debut has been a financial success, particularly in merchandise sales, with his lucha mask quickly selling out. His strong in-ring performances, including a standout ...
It should be remembered that Penta Zero Miedo is the name he used when AAA asked him to abandon the character of Pentagon Jr. This is how he began to perform as Penta, Pentagon Black, Penta El ...