All firetrucks and ambulances from Tempe Fire Medical Rescue are now carrying new CPR technology to help save lives in ...
Andrew Jackson was president and David G. Yuengling founded Eagle Brewery when Phoenix Hook and Ladder and Humane Fire Co. No. 1 were formed in 1829. Founded when the Borough of Pottsville was only ...
All Tempe Fire Medical Rescue frontline vehicles are now equipped with CPR technology that helps first responders save more ...
Crews battled a fire near a tire shop in Phoenix. The fire burned near I-17 and McDowell Road. PHOENIX - Fire crews in Phoenix were called out to a fire at a tire shop during the overnight hours of ...
Phoenix's fire, water and emergency response departments say their prevention plans and water infrastructure redundancies ...
Phoenix officials held a ... emergency phone alerts and news media. Kreis gave three overarching tips for residents interested in personal fire preparation: be ready, set a plan and evacuate ...