How, letter-writers, do you stomach those lies, and continue to support the man who would undo the place we hold in the world ...
Trump ended his first term in 2021 with a final approval rating of 34%, the same as former Presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. His first-term average approval rating was 41%, according to ...
Birth name: Andrew Jackson Young Jr. Father: Andrew Jackson Young, dentist Mother: Daisy (Fuller) Young, teacher Marriages: Carolyn (McClain) Young (April 15, 1996-present); Jean (Childs) Young (June ...
Approval rating polls are coming a month into Donald Trump's presidency. How does Trump's current approval rating compared to ...
The essence of win-win bargaining is when both sides clearly and honestly informing the other side of what their “win” is, ...
This desk, the ‘C&O,’ which is also very well known and was used by President George H.W. Bush and others, has been ...
Reading Jeffrey Toobin's "The Pardon," which focuses on Gerald Ford's decision to pardon Richard Nixon, the urge to contrast ...