President Biden is poised to match or even surpass former President Donald Trump's 234 confirmations to the federal courts.
The executive, legislative, and judicial branches serve essential but distinct functions of government and are thus deserving of equal respect. But in fits and starts, coequal has come to mean ...
This concept refers to a form of government that divides power into three different branches: the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The executive branch executes law and policy ...
Many people think it's time for a new push for civics instruction in college. A recent survey shows a third of people can't ...
The moon is a well-known symbol of Our Lady. Two meanings especially have been popular. In comparison with Christ, who is called sol invictus, Mary is the moon who receives grace and glory from Christ ...
In contrast to tumble drying, natural drying symbols can be harder to interpret. Here's what they actually mean: If the square has one drooping line, this means you can hang your clothes to dry on a ...
A survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center shows about a third of American adults can’t name the three branches of the federal government. On the first day of his American National ...