The World Bank issued a new estimate Friday for Lebanon's reconstruction and recovery needs following 14 months of ...
The World Bank says the cost of reconstruction and recovery for Lebanon following the 14-month Israel-Hezbollah war is ...
The World Bank says the cost of reconstruction and recovery for Lebanon following the 14-month Israel-Hezbollah war is ...
Officials say negotiations would also include the future of Israeli military outposts in Lebanon and of Lebanese prisoners ...
Even in Lebanese villages that incurred heavy losses during Hezbollah's war with Israel, support for the militant group ...
After violence broke out between the current and past regimes in Syria, fearful residents have waded across a river to take ...
The World Bank says the cost of reconstruction and recovery for Lebanon following the 14-month Israel-Hezbollah war is ...
The report by the World Bank's Lebanon Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment covered damage and losses in 10 sectors nationwide ...
With the help of U.S. and French mediators, Israel and Lebanon held preliminary talks on a potential troop withdrawal and could eventually discuss delineating their long-disputed land border.
Hezbollah has lost the war, and the so-called ceasefire agreement imposed on Lebanon was really a surrender agreement, which ...
BEIRUT, Lebanon, March 7 (UPI) --The World Bank issued a new estimate Friday for Lebanon's reconstruction and recovery needs following 14 months of Israel-Hezbollah destructive war, putting it at ...
He was appointed last month to form a new government after a devastating war between Israel and Hezbollah, which killed over 4,000 people and caused widespread destruction. The government statement ...