A fluffy cluster of stars spilling across the sky may have a secret hidden in its heart: a swarm of over 100 stellar-mass ...
A newly discovered cluster-scale strong gravitational lens, with a rare alignment of seven background lensed galaxies, provides a unique opportunity to study cosmology.
Ubuntu’s default wallpaper changes every 6 months, with its official reveal forming a major part of the distro’s development cycle. An estimated 22 million people use Ubuntu on the desktop so its ...
Although measuring less than 2mm in length, a globular springtail (Dicyrtomina minuta) is technically easy to find in most people’s backyards—provided you don’t spook it. If the common ...
That honor belongs to a tiny little bug called a globular springtail, whose superfast backflips have now been caught on slow-motion camera for the first time. The globular springtail is a common ...
More information: A. Arellano Ferro et al, The variable stars population of the extended young globular cluster NGC 1851, arXiv (2024). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2408.11141 Journal information: arXiv ...
Using ESA's Gaia satellite, astronomers have serendipitously discovered a new open cluster in the Milky Way galaxy. The newfound cluster, which received the designation Ash-1, is relatively young ...
NGC 6355 has been imaged using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. The globular cluster of stars lies 50,000 light-years away. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, E. Noyola, R. Cohen Music: Stellardrone ...
"Clusters rich in red supergiants are very rare and tend to be very far away, but they play a crucial role in understanding key aspects in the evolution of massive stars." In the past, map makers ...
If you have a running Kubernetes cluster and kubectl configured to access it, run the following command to install the operator: This project follows the typical GitHub pull request model. Before ...
This glittery field is a 10-billion-year-old globular cluster, NGC 6496, and the stars within it are quite special. Not only do they have high metallicity, but some of them are also variable stars.
“When a star encounters a black hole binary, the complex dynamics of this three-body interaction can toss that star right out of the globular cluster,” explained Kyle Kremer of UC San Dieg ...