When the Roman Empire began collapsing, Christianity prevailed and the Roman Catholic Church kept its territories together.
Higher education, and the pursuit of knowledge more broadly, can expand the spiritual horizons of the learner, argues Fr. Dan ...
A self-driving taxi has no passengers, so it parks itself in a lot to reduce congestion and air pollution. After being hailed ...
It examines the uplifting impacts of information access and grassroots technological revolution within the context of monastic scriptoriums, merchant guilds, and court scholars in a fantasy medieval ...
There is so much to do this weekend that is half summer and half fall. There's a royal medieval fair in Waterloo, the art and ...
In conversation with Nathan Clements-Gillespie, Director of Frieze Masters, Jana Gajdošová, Curator and Medieval Specialist ...
Alternatively, perhaps the taxi itself should be praised and blamed. However, these kinds of AI systems are essentially ...
In a Q&A, Yale historian Ivan G. Marcus explains the rise of a confrontation in medieval Europe that set the stage for modern antisemitism.
Etiquette is the code of conduct expected at a formal dinner party or for the raunchiness normally observed in a medieval ...
The Shire of Flinthyll, a local branch of the Society of Creative Anachronism, (SCA), will host an informational meeting at Southeastern Community College in Burlington on Wednesday, Sept. 25, in ...
Nothing is failing in Western societies more completely, and more tragically, than school education. This is especially so in ...