Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
A powerful March storm has been lashing the West Coast with heavy rainfall, gusty winds and snowfall in the mountains –– ...
Del Fire initially started 4:20 p.m. March 10 in Los Angeles County. It has been burning on private land for 46 hours.
KCAL News will be hosting "Coffee with KCAL" in Pasadena, welcoming people who ave been affected by the recent wildfires to ...
With a storm bringing a risk of mudslides and debris flows, some areas of Los Angeles recently burned by wildfires will face ...
Despite widespread stress, smoke inhalation and other disruptions caused by the January wildfires, a majority of Los Angeles ...
In the wake of the Palisades fire, should Malibu's Getty Villa and the Getty Center in nearby Brentwood evacuate — for good?
A house cat named Aggie has found her way back to her owner two months after the Palisades Fire. Katherine Kiefer had feared the worst for her beloved pet after the blaze left her Pacific Palisades ...
Three people are facing federal charges for allegedly seeking disaster relief funds by falsely claiming their properties were ...
As a late-winter storm brings rain to Southern California, evacuation orders and warnings have been issued in recent wildfire ...
The LPGA gears up to return to the United States, and two of its Los Angeles sponsors have promised to donate $6.5 million to ...
Scientists collecting water, air and soil samples in neighborhoods ravaged by fires say they’re concerned about long-term ...