Distance between Scottsdale, AZ and Apache Junction, AZ
There are 22.36 miles from Scottsdale to Apache Junction in southeast direction and 30 miles (48.28 kilometers) by car, following the AZ 202 Loop route. Scottsdale and Apache Junction are 35 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop .
Apache Junction to Scottsdale - 4 ways to travel via line 30 bus
The cheapest way to get from Apache Junction to Scottsdale costs only $6, and the quickest way takes just 33 mins. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Scottsdale to Apache Junction - 3 ways to travel via line 72 bus
There are 3 ways to get from Scottsdale to Apache Junction by bus, taxi, or car. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.
Driving directions from Scottsdale, AZ to Apache Junction, AZ
Driving directions between Scottsdale, AZ and Apache Junction, AZ. Estimated driving time is 35 minutes, with an average speed of about 48 miles per hour. If you want more accurate directions from your actual position or to a certain place or street, you may search street or …
Distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ is 31 miles or 50 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ is 22 miles. This is equivalent to 36 kilometers or 19 nautical miles. Your trip begins in Apache Junction, Arizona. It ends in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Driving distance from Apache Junction to Scottsdale
Compare the flight distance to driving distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ, or check for a bus or train from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ. Calculate the total cost to drive from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ. Or find out if it's better to fly or drive from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ?
Distance from Scottsdale, AZ to Apache Junction, AZ - how-far.net
How to get from Scottsdale, AZ to Apache Junction, AZ? There are three suggested car routes. The fastest route is 31 mi (distance from Scottsdale, AZ to Apache Junction, AZ) and takes 40min. The other route is 32.4mi, and its duration is 41min. The slowest route is 28.4 mi, and its duration is 46min.
How far is Scottsdale from Apache Junction - Trippy
Get a quick answer: It's 31 miles or 50 km from Apache Junction to Scottsdale, which takes about 33 minutes to drive. Check a real road trip to save time.
Best route to drive from Apache Junction to Scottsdale
Explore all of the routes from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ. Compare the flight distance to driving distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ. Calculate the total cost to drive from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ. Or find out if it's better to fly or drive from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ?
Driving Distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ
The total driving distance from Apache Junction, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ is 31 miles or 50 kilometers. Your trip begins in Apache Junction, Arizona. It ends in Scottsdale, Arizona.